Diversions are in place to reduce the impact on the local community. Please be sure to follow the yellow signs to the event
- As you start to see the yellow Windsor Great Park Illuminated road signs please follow these.
- The correct postcode for the car park is TW20 0UJ, HOWEVER please follow the yellow signs on your approach.
- You may not be able to drive your usual route to Windsor Great Park and The Savill Garden.
- Please add 10-15 minutes to your expected journey time, to allow for the traffic diversions in place.
- Please drive carefully on your approach along Wick Lane to avoid potholes.
- Upon arrival at the entrance make sure you have your parking ticket ready for scanning - either printed out or on your phone.
- As you leave, you must turn left out of the car park.
- Please be mindful of our neighbours and do not try to access Windsor Great Park Illuminated via Wick Road or Englefield Green, both of which are unsuitable routes. Always follow the yellow signs.